Safe Navigation Operator

This blog demonstrates the use of Safe Navigation Operator(?.)

Safe Navigation Operator(?.) is already present in other scripting languages i.e. Groovy and there it is known as Null-Safe Dereference. First let us understand the scenario where it is useful.

We face a common error(Cannot read property 'propertyName' of undefined) a lot in JavaScript, if we try to read property on a undefined object. i.e.

var user;
console.log(; // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

To handle this error, we add check for user object, if user is defined then only we read the name i.e.:

var user;
if (user) {
    console.log(; // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

In AngularJS, we write JavaScript into HTML/View. And in AngularJS 1.X, it silently fails, if user object is not defined and does not display anything.

    User Details:
    Name: {{}}
    Age: {{user.age}}

But in Angular2, it will throw an error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined. So we have to add extra check before reading the property from object:

    User Details:
    Name: {{user &&}}
    Age: {{user && user.age}}

So to facilitate this extra check Angular2 has introduced Safe Navigation Operator(?.). With (?.) our code will be smaller and readable:

    User Details:
    Name: {{user?.name}}
    Age: {{user?.age}}

Safe Navigation Operator(?.) is used to avoid error Cannot read property 'propertyName' of undefined. Typically when we have a reference of an object and we might need to verify that it is not undefined before accessing the property the object.

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