Providers In AngularJS
This repository is for exploring all the Providers in AngularJS.
While working on AngularJS, many of us get confused about the AngularJS Providers and wonder what are these Providers? What is the difference among them? Why should we use these Providers? Which Provider should be used when? In this blog we will cover all these questions and also get to know about all the providers.
What are Providers ?
All the big applications are built using small components/modules. And when we are building AngularJS application then Providers play a very essential role. Providers are injectors, so we can inject providers to other modules/component. Providers get injected by name and are initialized whenever other module requests/requires them. There are 5 different types of providers in AngularJS.
- constant
- value
- service
- factory
- provider
What is difference among them?
1. Constant: Constant can be defined with module.constant()
api. This api takes two arguments: 1. name for the constant and 2. value for the constant. Lets see the code:
providerTestModule.constant("ConstantPrimitiveTest", "I am Constant, My value can't be changed.");
providerTestModule.constant("ConstantObjectTest", {name: "Amit Thakkar", age: 23});
NOTE: As names says, value of constant can't be change.
2. Value: Value can be defined with module.value()
api. This api also takes two arguments: 1. name for the value and 2. value for the value. Lets see the code:
providerTestModule.value("ValueTest", "I am Value, Which can be modify.");
NOTE: We can change the value of the value provider with the help of module.decorator() api.
3. Service: We can define Service with module.service()
api. This api also takes two arguments: 1. name for the Service and 2. Constructor function for the initializing the Service. Lets see the code:
providerTestModule.service("ServiceTest", function () {
this.getName = function () {
return "I am Service Test";
NOTE: Whatever function we are passing as a second argument, will be treated as a class.
Whenever first time this Service will be requested/required, that function will be called with new keyword as new Function()
, and resultant object of new(Constructor function), will be injected as Service there and the returned resultant object will also be stored by the AngularJS for future request. So on the second and future request for this same Service, that same object will be returned(this time Constructor function will not be called with new keyword). In-fact that Constructor function will be called only once as it is Singleton.
AngularJS stores all the Providers with itself, whenever we request/require any Provider, AngularJS checks first into its storage, if requested/required Provider is found in the storage then it will be returned from there otherwise AngularJS will initialize that Provider, and inject it to requested place and store with itself for future request.
NOTE: You can checkout Service In AngularJS blog for more details. There I have described Services in more detail(How to use Services? How to inject Services? etc.).
4. Factory: We can define Factory with module.factory()
api. This api also takes two arguments: 1. name for the Factory and 2. function for initializing the Factory. Lets see the code:
providerTestModule.factory("FactoryTest", function () {
return {
getName: function () {
return "I am Factory Test";
return "I am Factory Test";
NOTE: Whatever function(which we are passing as a second argument) will return, will be injected as Factory.
Factory is very similar to Service. The one known difference between Service and Factory is that Service function is treated as Constructor function while Factory function is treated as normal function.
5. Provider: We can define Provider with module.provider()
api. This api also takes two arguments: 1. name for the Provider and 2. function for initializing the Provider. Let's see the code:
providerTestModule.provider("ProviderTest", function () {
var host, uri;
this.setHost = function (h) {
host = h;
this.setURI = function (u) {
uri = u;
this.$get = function () {
return {
getName: function () {
return "I am Provider Test! My host value: " + host + " and URI value: " + uri;
NOTE: Whatever we are returning from that $get function/method, will be injected as Provider.
All the Providers( Constant, Value, Service and Factory) are syntactic sugar on top of this. But this is the only one Provider which can be access before initializing. We can provide/set custom configuration to provider with the help of module.config() api before initializing the Provider. e.g.
providerTestModule.config(["ProviderTestProvider", function (ProviderTestProvider) {
NOTE: In module.config() api, Provider will be postfix with Provider. e.g. ProviderTest
will be referred as ProviderTestProvider
Why should we use these Providers?
Because all Providers are Singleton. And all the Providers get lazy initialized whenever they get request first time( Providers get loaded on-demand only). Actually all the AngularJS Providers implement Singleton and Dependency Injection/DI design patterns, which help us to write good, loosely coupled code.
When should we use which Provider?
Constant, Value are self explanatory. Provider is the only Provider which can be customized before initializing so we can use Provider to expose something(any module, any api handler etc). Whereas Service and Factory are generally used to put our logic, interact with Server API etc.
NOTE : Its an just convention that we should Service where we are playing with single instance, while Factory should be use where we are playing with multiple instances, although whatever we are doing with Service, can be done with Factory and vice-versa.