Component v/s Directive

This blog explains difference between Component and Directive in Angular2.

In Angular1.X we use directive for below reasons:

  1. To add behavior to an existing DOM element.
  2. To create a component with attached behaviour.

Angular2 has introduced two different meta-data annotation for these, first is @Directive, which is used to add behaviour to an existing element. Second is @Component, which is used to create a component with attached behaviour. For more differences and examples have a look at the points below:

  1. We create Component with the help of @Component meta-data annotation while we create Directive with the help of @Directive meta-data annotation.

  2. @Component is used to create new View(Shadow DOM) with attached behaviour while @Directive is used to add behavior to an existing DOM element.

  3. With the help of @Component we can break our application into smaller components, and can do component based development while with the help of @Directive we can attach different behaviours to an existing DOM element or different existing DOM element.

  4. @Component is used to create reusable components while @Directive is used to create reusable behaviour.

  5. @Component requires a view via @View or template/url while @Directive does not.

    @View or template/url is mandatory in the component.

  6. Example:


    import {Component} from '@angular/core';
    import {EnterDirective} from "./sample.directive";
        selector: 'sample-component',
        template: `
           <strong>Hello World</strong> form <strong>{{name}} Component</strong>!
           <input type="text" (enter)="enterHandler($event)" >
        directives: <any>[EnterDirective]
    export class SampleComponent {
        name:string = 'Sample';
        enterHandler(event) {


    import {Directive, Output} from "@angular/core";
    import {EventEmitter} from "@angular/common/src/facade/async";
        selector: '[enter]',
        host: {
            '(keypress)': 'enterHandler($event)'
    export class EnterDirective {
        @Output() enter = new EventEmitter<any>();
        constructor() {
        enterHandler(event) {
            if (event.keyCode == 13) {

Communication between Component and Directive can be done same way as we do between two Components.

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